Daniel Crump
Name: Danny Crump
Current School: Stuartholme School
Previous Position & School: Deputy Principal, Stuartholme School
Year of Birth: 1979
The hope for my current school is: To create a bold and transformational future focused narrative that allows our young people to flourish and achieve their best to make a positive and influential impact well beyond the gates of the school.
The Joy of Principalship is: Connecting and supporting people on their journey – students, staff, and families, so they have the opportunity to be their very best.
A Book I would recommend: Think Again – Adam Grant and The Thursday Murder Club for some light reading!
Fun Fact about me: I am a passionate music teacher and still take the choir and Year 7 Music classes.
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Putting in boundaries and being intentional through booking into my schedule gym, mindfulness, and key family time that cannot be touched.
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Actively seek out networks of support and never be shy in reaching out for assistance.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: ‘Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.’ – Barack Obama
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: Educating the hand, heart and mind – celebrating the impact of educators in transforming lives
David Johnston
Name: David Johnston
Current School: Christian Brothers College, Adelaide
Previous Position & School: Deputy Principal, St Joseph’s Nudgee College
Year of Birth: 1969
The hope for my current school is: Be the boutique boys’ school of choice in Adelaide with continued academic excellence and outstanding pastoral support.
The Joy of Principalship is: Being a part of a team who are continually making a difference to a student, a family, or a staff member.
A Book I would recommend: Legacy by James Kerr
Fun Fact about me: I grew up on the beach, but my favourite pastime is downhill skiing.
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Take time to look after you and enjoy time with family and friends.
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Listen, learn and be prepared to take time to make decisions.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.” Ghandi
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: Inclusion is key
Giselle Talbot
Name: Giselle Talbot
Current School: Marist College Bendigo
Previous Position & School: Marist College Bendigo, Deputy Principal: Community. Before that Catholic College Bendigo: DP Staff
Year of Birth: 1971
The hope for my current school is: to continue to build a community where the Marist charism is authentically lived out and celebrated each day.
The Joy of Principalship is: witnessing and harnessing the power of the village.
A Book I would recommend: Faith by Tim Costello
Fun Fact about me: I have lived in 4 countries.
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Meditation and exercise
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Ask for help when needed…every day if needs be.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: Mary MacKillop: never see a need without doing something about it.
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: Listen and then Lead.
Glen Seivers
Name: Glen Seivers
Current School: St Augustine's Cairns
Previous Position: School: Director of Administration at St Augustine's
Year of Birth: 1973
The hope for my current school is: Leads the way in Far North Queensland in Boys Education
The Joy of Principalship is: Having some influence over a thriving and welcoming school community
A Book I would recommend: The Talent Code
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Spending time with family and exercise
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Look after your staff and they will look after you.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: The school takes on the personality of the principal.
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: Talent is an overrated commodity
Jane Egan
Name: Jane Egan
Current School: Emmaus College Jimboomba
Previous Position & School: Deputy Principal St. Peter Claver College
Year of Birth: 1961
The hope for my current school is: I want to continue to build on the excellent and established foundations in Learning and Teaching at Emmaus College.
We must prepare our students for a digital age, so we need to be very aware as leaders of what that actually means. As a Principal my aim is to embrace and keep abreast of this in 2023.
The Joy of Principalship is: There simply is nothing more invigorating or humbling than to walk into school each day and be greeted by the students and staff.
There are few jobs in the world where every day you can have such an impact and influence on a person’s life.
I have a secondary background having spent my teaching career in in 7-12 schools. Emmaus being a P-12 school has added a whole new dimension to my life through the P-6 students. The sheer joy and love of learning these young students show and add the prep students into the experience this is the icing on my career.
A Book I would recommend: “Start with Why: How great leaders Inspire everyone to take Action” Simon Sinek
Fun Fact about me: I love skiing, I have skied all over the world covid put a hold on this however I am looking forward to getting back onto the slopes.
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Yoga and listening to audio books on the 45-minute drive to and from work.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: “when you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening.”
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: Leadership is about Nurturing and enhancing.
Jo Legosz
Name: Jo Legosz
Current School: Guilford Young College
Previous Position & School: Deputy Principal, Guilford Young College
The hope for my current school is: To honour Archbishop Sir Guilford Young’s vision for an accessible, inclusive, Christ-centred senior secondary education for young Tasmanians.
The Joy of Principalship is: I am humbled to have been given this opportunity (albeit in an Acting capacity) to lead a community built on foundations of faith, love, inclusion, integrity and kindness.
A Book I would recommend: (how about two?) The Book Thief (Markus Zuzak), Turn the Ship Around (L. David Marquet)
Fun Fact about me: Over the years, our pets’ names (dogs and fish) have begun with ‘R’: Retro, Roxy, Ruby, Rita, Roy, Red, Renoir. And then there was Dougal…
My valued Well-Being Strategy: I live close to the College so after work, I take the long way home, turn up the volume and ‘sing it out’. I also love to cook for family and friends and try to remember to practise my ‘cello.
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Turn up, be present, work hard. Be kind and courageous, honest and humble. Embrace curiosity.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: "The great leaders are not the strongest, they are the ones who are honest about their weaknesses. The great leaders are not the smartest; they are the ones who admit how much they don’t know. The great leaders can’t do everything; they are the ones who look to others to help them. Great leaders don’t see themselves as great; they see themselves as human”. (Simon Sinek)
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: “Close your devices and pay attention; the diminishing importance of non-verbal communication”.
Liz Illingworth
Name: Elizabeth Illingworth
Current School: St Patrick’s College, Prospect, Tasmania
Previous Position & School: Principal St Finn Barr’s Catholic Primary School 2017-2022; Deputy Principal Sacred Heart Launceston 2014-2016;
Year of Birth: 1970
The hope for my current school is: To continue to and to continue to improve in creating a sense of belonging and community for all students.
The Joy of Principalship is: The opportunity for developing relationships with so many young people.
A Book I would recommend: ‘The Happiest Man on Earth’ - Eddie Jaku
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Walking my dog with my husband each evening.
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Always remember why you chose to become a teacher.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: “Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage.” Brene Brown
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: ‘A Day in the life of a School Principal”
Matthew Brennan
Name: Matthew Brennan
Current School: St Gregory’s College, Gregory Hills
Previous Position & School: College Principal, St Augustine’s College, Cairns
Year of Birth: 1971
The hope for my current school is: A place people want to come to work
The Joy of Principalship is: Serving communities that trust you
A Book I would recommend: The Kindness Revolution – Hugh Mackay
Fun Fact about me: I married a rugby player
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Be kind to yourself
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Ensure you have trusted mentors to bounce things off
Inspiring Leadership Quote: Leadership is not welding authority – It’s empowering people. Becky Brodin
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: Sustain the Change
Narelle Hunt
Name: Narelle Hunt
Current School: Mount St Bernard College
Previous Position & School: Deputy Principal Learning, Marist-Sion College, Warragul Vic
Year of Birth: 1971
The hope for my current school is: providing quality innovative education in an inclusive, safe and nurturing environment
The Joy of Principalship is: Seeing staff and students build their capacity and thrive
A Book I would recommend: Discovering Your True North by Bill George
Fun Fact about me: I am most relaxed when I’m choreographing
My valued Well-Being Strategy: stop and breathe
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Be open to all possibilities and consider all viewpoint before making decisions.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: “A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential.” Brene Brown
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: Be the one to step up.
Samual Anderson
Name: Sam Anderson
Current School: St Teresa’s Catholic College, Noosaville
Previous Position & School: Head of College, Unity College
Year of Birth: 1976
The hope for my current school is: To continue to make a difference in the lives of young people, setting them up to look toward the future with hope, confidence, competence, resilience and a desire to make a positive contribution.
The Joy of Principalship is: working with others to make a difference
A Book I would recommend:
Fun Fact about me: I don’t sit still well – I am always looking for something to do.
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Balance, life is a beautiful mess
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Think big, but act within your sphere of influence. Be the difference that you want to see, but do it as a team.
Inspiring Leadership Quote: Be the difference you want to see.
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: I did it my way.
Sharon Rainford
Name: Ms Sharon Rainford
Current School: St Norbert College, Queens Park WA
Previous Position & School: St Norbert College, Queens Park WA
Year of Birth: 1965
The hope for my current school is: To produce good people
The Joy of Principalship is: the energy and achievements of the students
A Book I would recommend: Go Forth, Pope Francis
Fun Fact about me: I was on P plates when I started teaching!
My valued Well-Being Strategy: No work emails on my phone
Advice for an aspiring Principal: “Is it nice or necessary?”
Inspiring Leadership Quote: The higher you rise, the more you should serve
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: From Prac Teacher to Principal-what not to forget!
Simon Vaughan
Name: Simon Vaughan
Current School: St Stephen’s Catholic College, Mareeba
Previous Position & School: Deputy Principal
Year of Birth: 1979
The hope for my current school is: to be the best school in FNQ
The Joy of Principalship is: being across all aspects of the school
A Book I would recommend: Criconomics
Fun Fact about me: Lived in Brisbane the majority of my life but born in Sydney – Go Blues!
My valued Well-Being Strategy: Make time for family
Advice for an aspiring Principal: Work life balance is key
Inspiring Leadership Quote: “Sweat the Small stuff”
What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book: I’ll reserve this until I’m more into my Principalship.